How does WordPress Redirect URL work? 5 Best Methods

WordPress Redirect
Whether you are migrating or moving your website from one host to another or making some significant changes, WordPress Redirect can be the best and most effective method that can save your website from broken link errors. In this post, we try to bring you all the aspects of WordPress redirect from its true meaning to How you can implement it on your website to pull out the maximum benefits of it. Let us get started! …

How to add WordPress anchor links?

WordPress anchor links
What are anchor links in WordPress?  Have you been in a situation when you found something on the website but you had to scroll the page down very long to find the necessary heading? For example, Google offered you a page because it contains the information on your search requests but the necessary segment is at the bottom. We’re pretty sure you do not like to read the whole article just for several paragraphs. At the same time, …

How to Put Your Site in WordPress Maintenance Mode?

WordPress Maintenance Mode
Keeping your WordPress site up and running all the time is one of the most important tasks that every web admin has to perform. This is the main reason that when you visit someone’s page you must have noticed sometimes a message displaying “WordPress Maintenance Mode is on” or the website you are trying to visit is under maintenance“. This message usually lets visitors know that the website is not ready to access and avoids having an uncompleted or faulty website live. …

How To Setup WordPress Redirect Plugins

WordPress redirect plugins
Are you looking for WordPress redirect plugins? As the name suggests, the redirect is a method to send a message to the users that the page they are trying to visit has been moved. When you set redirects, your website will automatically direct the readers to the alternate page. You will need to set redirects when you thinking of deleting a page for new content. Another reason for creating redirects is when you want to change the permalinks of a page. …

13 High Converting WordPress Landing Page Plugins Compared 2023

WordPress Landing Page Plugins
Do you have any landing pages on your website?? If not!! then let me tell you that an attractive landing page has a great impact on lead generation and traffic improvement on your website.  Landing pages are the pages where your visitors come either from search engines or from paid ad campaigns. These pages are designed to improve conversions or bring sales to your website. We know that most company owners and beginners of WordPress don’t want to waste hours learning to write code. …