HTTP Status Codes: A Complete Guide of All HTTP Errors

HTTP Status Codes
When a user enters a web address into his web browser (Chrome, Mozilla, Safari, etc.), the browser sends a request to the hosting server of the respective website. If anything goes wrong during this process the server acknowledges with an error message displayed on the web page. These error messages give the user a hint about what possibly went wrong so that the user can proceed accordingly to fix that. In this article, we will try to cover some of the most common and notorious HTTP status codes and explain to you what exactly they mean. …

What is a 500 Internal Server Error and How to Fix it?

500 internal server error Nginx Fix WPOven
At some point in time, you must have encountered a 500 Internal Server Error while trying to access a particular website. As a visitor, you may ignore it, but as a website administrator, you cannot afford to ignore it and get rid of it as soon as possible. Not only the website front end but also the WordPress administrator dashboard might not be available to access. In this article, we will walk you through some of the reasons why this error occurs, …


Fix DNS Probe Finished No internet
If you’ve ever encountered the DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NO_INTERNET Error, you know how frustrating it can be. This error occurs when your computer is unable to connect to the internet because of issues with the Domain Name System (DNS). But sometimes, it is not always the same case. The DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NO_INTERNET error can also be caused by any VPN you use or the router. In addition, these issues can appear out of nowhere and disappear on their own. Therefore, you cannot only rely on fixing the DNS. …

How to Fix the ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR? (10 Methods)

Apart from the various advantages of the HTTP/2 protocol, such as faster and safer websites, there’s a downside. Once you encounter the ‘ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR,’ you won’t be able to access your favorite websites. But here’s the good part: you can easily fix the ‘ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR’ by following simple methods. Whether you try to fix this issue from the browser level or within the device, we provide you with complete troubleshooting steps, so that you won’t see this error message again. …

How to Fix DNS_PROBE_POSSIBLE Error? (6 Quick Methods)

The Internet has dramatically evolved over the past decade, and its pervasive influence on people’s daily lives has become the new norm. Whether it’s booking tickets, selling products or services, or gathering online resources, browsing tools have made these tasks easily accessible with a simple click. No matter what browser you use to access the internet, despite all the privileges and advantages they offer, every user has to face some issues. One issue that users claim to face on a regular basis is the ‘dns_probe_possible’ …