How to Reorder Your WordPress Posts using Drag & Drop?

Are you looking to reorder Posts in WordPress? Well, you have landed on the right post. 

Although WordPress By default reorders the posts in reverse chronological order, the latest posts will show up first and the older ones get pushed to the bottom.

But if you want to do a lot more to it, i.e. prioritize certain posts as per your requirement, we have covered this in this post. So stay tuned and keep reading this till the end.

Why do you need to reorder Posts in WordPress?

Here are some of the reasons, that you should check out that help you understand the benefits of reordering posts in WordPress.

  • Highlighting Important Content:
    Sometimes, you may want to display your hero content, like an announcement or special blog post, at the top of your homepage, blog page, or archives so visitors see it first.
  • Reordering Custom Post Types:
    If you manage different types of posts, such as products in a WooCommerce store, you might want to manually adjust the order to show your best-selling or discounted items first.
  • WordPress Default Post Order:
    By default, WordPress arranges posts in reverse chronological order (newest first). This setup makes it hard to rearrange content based on your preferences.
  • Limited Reordering Options:
    Even with tools like the Query Loop block in WordPress’s block editor or full-site editor, the options for changing the order of posts are limited, offering little flexibility to move posts up or down as needed.

Different Methods to Reorder Posts in WordPress

Now that we’ve provided you with the reasons why you should consider reordering posts in WordPress.

let’s explore some simple solutions and tips to help you easily change the order of blog posts, WooCommerce products, and other content.

1. Edit or Change the date of the Published Post

One of the quickest and Easiest ways to reorder Posts in WordPress is simply changing the published posts’ date. 

As we have already mentioned above, by default WordPress displays posts in the reverse chronological order, i.e. the newer posts will appear first.

But when you change the date and time of the published post, it will also change where it used to appear on the other areas of your site. 

Let us understand it with an example, Suppose you want to change or update an old post or content and want to show it first to your visitors, all you have to do is to change its publication date to today.

Similarly, if you want certain posts to push down the list, just change their publication date to older dates.

change their publication date to older dates od a post

Here’s how you can do it.

Step 1: Open the Blog Post

  • Go to your WordPress dashboard.
  • Open the blog post you want to reorder in the block editor.

Step 2: Go to the Publish Settings

  • In the right-hand sidebar, click on the ‘Post’ tab.
  • Find the ‘Publish’ section and click on the link next to the publish date.

Step 3: Change the Date and Time

  • A popup will appear where you can adjust the publish date and time.
  • Choose a new date based on where you want the post to appear. For example, if you want it to show after a post published on February set the date to February 29, 2024.
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Step 4: Save Your Changes

  • Once you’ve changed the date and time, click the ‘Update’ button to save your changes.

Read: 🚩 How to Hide a Page in WordPress? [6 Quick Ways]

2. Make certain posts as sticky Posts

If you have an important blog post, like a product announcement or information about a giveaway, you may want to make sure it stays at the top of your blog page so visitors see it first. 

WordPress has a feature called “sticky posts” that lets you pin a post at the top, making it stay above all other posts, regardless of when it was published.

Here’s How you can do it:

Step 1: Open the Blog Post

  • Go to your WordPress dashboard and open the blog post you want to highlight.

Step 2: Enable the Sticky Option

  • In the right-hand sidebar, under the ‘Post’ tab, find the option that says ‘Stick to the top of the blog.’
  • Check the box next to it.
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Step 3: Save the Changes

  • Click the ‘Update’ button to save your changes.

Step 4: View the Post

  • Visit your website, and you’ll see the post pinned at the top of your blog page.
  • Depending on your WordPress theme, the sticky post may also look different or stand out more than other posts.

3. Use a WordPress Plugin  (post types order)

If you want more control and customization options to reorder Posts in WordPress, go for a WordPress Plugin such as “Post Types order”.

This plugin lets you easily rearrange posts, WooCommerce products, coupons, and other content by simply dragging and dropping them into the order you want.

Here’s How you can do it.

Step 1: Install and Activate the Plugin

  • Go to your WordPress dashboard.
  • Search for and install the Post Types Order plugin.
  • Once installed, click Activate. (You can refer to a detailed guide if needed.)

Step 2: Configure Plugin Settings

  • After activation, go to Settings » Post Types Order.
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  • In the ‘Show / Hide re-order interface’ section, make sure all the content types (like blog posts or products) you want to reorder are set to ‘Show’ using the dropdown menus.
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Step 3: Enable Drag and Drop for Content Types

  • Scroll to the ‘Archive Drag & Drop’ section.
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  • For each content type you want to reorganize, open the dropdown menu and select ‘Yes’ to enable drag-and-drop reordering.

Step 4: Save Settings

  • Once you’ve set everything up, click ‘Save Settings’ to apply the changes.

Step 5: Reorder Your Content

  • Now, go to the content area you want to reorder, like Posts » All Posts.
  • You’ll see the list of posts, and you can simply drag and drop them into the order you prefer.
Reorder Posts How to Reorder Your WordPress Posts using Drag & Drop?

4. Use the Drag-Drop feature for Product Post Types (Woocommerce)

If you are running an e-commerce store and powered it with Woocomemrce, there is a drag-drop feature with the help of which you can easily reorder your products. 

Here’s how to reorder your WooCommerce products using the built-in drag-and-drop feature, step by step:

Step 1: Go to All Products

  • From your WordPress dashboard, navigate to Products » All Products.
image 51 How to Reorder Your WordPress Posts using Drag & Drop?

Step 2: Click on the Sorting Link

  • At the top of the page, find and click the ‘Sorting’ link.

Step 3: Reorder Your Products

  • You’ll see your products listed, and you can now change their order by dragging and dropping them into your preferred positions.
arrange products How to Reorder Your WordPress Posts using Drag & Drop?

Step 4: Stop Sorting

  • Once you’re happy with the new order of your products, click the ‘All’ link to exit the sorting mode.

5. Re-order posts in WordPress using custom codes ( For Advanced users)

If you want to change how WordPress organizes all your posts, including future ones, you might need to add some custom code.

For example, if you want to change the organization of posts, you usually have to add a special code to WordPress.

But be careful with the codes, although you might come across various posts that help you edit your theme’s function.php file. But be cautious,  this can lead to errors that might break your website.
If you update your WordPress theme, any changes you make in functions.php will be lost.

Instead, it’s better to use a plugin called WPCode. This plugin is user-friendly and safe to use. It lets you add custom code (like CSS, HTML, or PHP) without risking your website’s functionality. 

Step 1: Install and Activate WPCode

  • Go to your WordPress dashboard.
  • Search for and install the WPCode plugin.
  • Once installed, click Activate.

Step 2: Add a New Code Snippet

  • After activation, go to Code Snippets » Add Snippet.
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Step 3: Start Adding Your Custom Code

  • Hover your mouse over ‘Add Your Custom Code’ and click on ‘Use snippet’.
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Step 4: Title Your Snippet

  • Type a title for your custom code snippet. This helps you recognize it later.

Step 5: Select Code Type

  • Open the ‘Code Type’ dropdown menu and choose ‘PHP Snippet’.
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Step 6: Enter the Code

  • In the code editor, add the following code snippet to display older posts first:

// Function to modify default WordPress query

function wpb_custom_query( $query ) {

// Make sure we only modify the main query on the homepage  

if( $query->is_main_query() && ! is_admin() && $query->is_home() ) {

     // Set parameters to modify the query

     $query->set( 'orderby', 'date' );

     $query->set( 'order', 'ASC' );



// Hook our custom query function to the pre_get_posts

add_action( 'pre_get_posts', 'wpb_custom_query' );

Step 7: Set the Insertion Options

  • Scroll to the ‘Insertion’ section.
  • Make sure ‘Auto Insert’ is selected, so your code runs across the entire website.
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  • Open the ‘Location’ dropdown and choose ‘Run Everywhere’.

Step 8: Activate the Snippet

  • At the top of the screen, toggle from ‘Inactive’ to ‘Active’.

Step 9: Save Your Snippet

  • Click ‘Save Snippet’ to make the PHP code live.
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Step 10: Check Your Site

  • Visit your website to see the posts reorganized according to your code!

This process will help you change how posts are displayed on your site without the risk of editing your theme files directly.

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It might sound simple, but reordering posts in WordPress can have a significant impact on your overall user experience. The great thing about it is that WordPress allows you a great degree of freedom to customize and implement it as you wish.

I hope the methods mentioned above will help you easily reorder blog posts on your WordPress site. If you liked this post, feel free to share your opinions in the comment section below.

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