WPOven presents BA-Black-Tube WordPress Video Theme.
Key Features
- Completely compatible with “WordPress Video Tube Plugin“.
- Valid XHTM Strict1.0, tableless Design.
- Custom Sidebar widgets.
- Supports WordPress 2.9 and 3.0 with new WordPress 3.0 functions.
- Social Sharing Options for Videos.
- Custom Logo Upload option.
- In-built Video Gallery Slider.
- Custom menus support & CSS3 Drop-Down Menus
- and much more…
Installation Instructions
To install the theme to your WordPress installation :
- Download the zip file from the link provided above.
- Unzip the contents of the file in your “wp-content/themes/” folder.
- From the admin area of your WordPress installation (“www.example.com/wp-admin“) click on the Appearance tab and select themes.
- Activate the BA-tube theme.
I am a Co-Founder at WPOven INC currently living in Vancouver, Canada. My interests range from Web Development to Product development and Client projects. I am also interested in web development, WordPress, and entrepreneurship.
the video menu bug , all video go in all categorie…
Thanks for bring the bug to our attention.
It has been fixed now
how the slide bar work i m not able to see any slide show in my site i just installed it as a demo to test the script to implement it on main site can u please guide me how slide bar shows posts
Just add a tag as “featured” in the Videos you want to be displayed in the Slider.
Hope it helps.
Where is Slide Show m unable to see any slide show n my site plz elaborate admin!!!
To see the videos in the slider you need to add a tag ‘featured’ to the video.
and ur plugin is only compatible with this 3 video themes only or any other themes support too…if so plz post themes name here!!!
Why ur Plugin is not working in CHERRY theme? plz do something m currently using this theme and ur plugin is superb but unfortunately it’s not working n my site 🙁
Hi Saif
We are glad you like the plugin. You can find more video themes compatible with our plugin on our Hosting’s site builder, which is free to use. You just need to sign up on WPOven and use the site builder.
To make any theme compatible with the plugin you can follow this tutorial here : https://www.wpoven.com/blog/how-to-make-your-theme-compatible-with-wpbase-video-plugin/
Hope this helps
This is my index in cherry theme so where i put (this code <a href="” rel=”bookmark”>
‘entry-thumb’)); ?>
<img width="320" height="240" src="” alt=”” class=”entry-thumb”/>
max_num_pages > 1) bd_pagenavi();
$home_boxes = bdayh_get_option(‘home’);
$repeat = 1;
if(count($home_boxes) > 0){
foreach($home_boxes as $k => $v){
$bd_cat_id = (isset($v[‘cat’])) ? $v[‘cat’] : array(0);
$bd_total_posts = (isset($v[‘number’])) ? $v[‘number’] : 0;
if($v[‘layout’] == 2)
require(BD_TM .’box-first-post-top.php’);
elseif($v[‘layout’] == 1)
require(BD_TM .’box-first-post-left.php’);
elseif($v[‘layout’] == 3)
echo “”;
require(BD_TM .’box-2column.php’);
elseif($v[‘layout’] == 4)
require(BD_TM .’box-news-in-picrure.php’);
elseif($v[‘layout’] == 5)
require(BD_TM .’box-news-in-picrure-small.php’);
require(BD_TM .’scrollingbox.php’);
require(BD_TM .’box-ads-home.php’);
require(BD_TM .’recentposts.php’);
Hello, thanks for this template, i would like to kown how to change the top menu, please?
Saya sudah share tetapi saya kesulitan untuk mendownload theme ini
Hi ,
Thanks for sharing
But it doesn’t work here saying
” your site has a problem ”