10 Reasons Your Website isn’t Making Money You Need

Website isn’t Making Money
Despite popular opinion, traffic on a site doesn’t just happen. Several specific factors are responsible for bringing visitors to your website and converting them into buying customers. Without these conditions, your site is bound to register mediocre numbers and it won’t be able to make money online. If you want your website to serve eCommerce purposes, a lack of traffic will undoubtedly hurt your revenue. The million-dollar question is, what are you doing wrong, and how can you improve? …

New Backup System

We will now be  introducing a new backup system in the next 14 days , Old one was having problems with larger sites with GB’s of data. Earlier one was based on a routing server for management of downloads , the new system will be directly interfacing with S3 and should allow for faster backups and easier downloads. …

What is Managed Hosting? Definition, Benefits & Comparison

What is Managed Hosting
We know how stressful and complicated things can be for running a successful online business. Handling the marketing, and social media, ensuring high website performance, maintenance, Fast web hosting, website security, etc. can be a lot of hectic tasks for web admins. Considering all these, Web hosting companies have now started offering Fully managed hosting services to their clients. In this hosting plan, they try to make things a lot easier by using automation and an Expert team that handles the vital process of a website from their end. …