Top Tools Every eCommerce Business Needs

ecommerce business
The online marketplace has been a thriving hub for eCommerce owners looking to build their reputation and revenue online. Statista reports that roughly 1.8 billion people across the globe purchased goods online in 2018, with sales amounting to USD $2.8 trillion. This figure is expected to grow to USD $4.8 trillion come 2021. This now challenges eCommerce owners to up their game to enhance their user experience, as this will also build their brand image. When user experience is at the core of an eCommerce business, …

How to Embed WordPress Icon Fonts On Your Website?

WordPress Icon Fonts
WordPress icons have become one of the essential elements for any Website. They help to bring more detailing and responsiveness to web design. In the early days, it was easy to find icons and implement them on your website, but for WordPress, it was a bit more difficult. Things have become even worse nowadays due to the latest types of displays. One of the most efficient and best alternate solutions to this issue is to use a font icon instead. …

What is Managed Hosting? Definition, Benefits & Comparison

What is Managed Hosting
We know how stressful and complicated things can be for running a successful online business. Handling the marketing, and social media, ensuring high website performance, maintenance, Fast web hosting, website security, etc. can be a lot of hectic tasks for web admins. Considering all these, Web hosting companies have now started offering Fully managed hosting services to their clients. In this hosting plan, they try to make things a lot easier by using automation and an Expert team that handles the vital process of a website from their end. …

How to Enable WordPress Captcha to your WordPress Site

WordPress Captcha
WordPress Captcha is an essential feature and most important security feature that even top-tier websites use. After all, no one would like to take any risk that can potentially damage their website. Since the technology has evolved so far, new Hacking methods have also evolved. Now, with the help of bots, hackers can infiltrate and assault websites rapidly. Mainly their target is to attack login pages and user registration pages by brute force attacks, spamming or hacking. …