What is A Dedicated IP Address? | WPOven

Dedicated IP Address
Generally, we receive a huge number of responses in which Individuals always ask which would be the best to choose from a Dedicated IP or a Shared one. And to answer these particular questions is not as straight as you might think. These things mainly depend on a variety of other factors. This huge confusion among individuals is mainly due to the availability of multiple vague information present on the internet. We even found the majority of users who might not need to have a dedicated IP host their website and paying expensive charges. …

How to Fix Safari Can’t Establish a Secure Connection Error?

Safari Can’t Establish a Secure Connection
How to fix the “Safari Can’t Establish a Secure Connection” error? Now that you have understood what the “Safari Can’t Establish a Secure Connection to the Server” Error is and what potential causes can trigger it, it is time to explore the various troubleshooting methods you can try to fix it. Here, we have provided you with the best six methods to resolve the “Safari Can’t Establish a Secure Connection to the Server” Error. Check your Internet Connection Clear your Safari Browser data Update your Safari Browser Check your System Date and Time Change DNS Settings Deactivate/Disable IPv6 on Mac Disable VPN or Proxy settings Setup Keychain to trust the Certificate Let’s check them out in detail. …

How to Fix “SSL Handshake Failed” or “Cloudflare 525” Error?

SSL handshake failed
When the error message “SSL Handshake Failed” generally known as “Cloudflare 525” is shown on the screen, the majority of users might be unaware of it. But, from the name itself, anyone can get a clue about what this error is all about. You can understand it by referring to real-life events, When we make a business deal or do an agreement with someone, we often conclude it with shaking hands. Similarly, the same concept applies to SSL certificates as well. …

How to Add Expires Headers in WordPress? (2 Methods)

Add Expires Headers in WordPress
Are you looking for How to add Expires headers in WordPress? Then you must have run your WordPress site through a speed testing tool that suggests you add Expires headers. This means your website struggled with poor loading time and you haven’t optimized its browser cache yet. Which has the main purpose of helping your website is to tell the visitor’s browser to store certain files on their computer and load those files whenever the visitor visits the website again, …

22 Best Ways to Speed Up WordPress Performance [UPDATED]

Speed Up WordPress
We have been pushing a lot of articles revolving around speeding up WordPress and its performance in lots of posts. Due to this, there has been a lot of confusion has been arising among users that where they can get all the best practices to speed up WordPress in the best possible way. To make this a lot easier and more comprehensive, we are going to share with you some of the most effective and working methods to speed up WordPress, …