Using our Free SSL Tool, you can install a LetsEncrypt simple SSL certificate on your WordPress site. The tool can be found in your WPOven dashboard, under the 'Sites' section in the 'Tools' sub section.
A few prerequisites that you need to keep in mind before installing the Free SSL LetsEncrypt certificate are :
- Your site is hosted on a WPOven Server
- The site should have a valid Domain name, whose DNS record should be pointing to your WPOven server IP
- The site should not be behind any CDN services like CloudFlare.
- Make sure it is NOT a WordPress MultiSite install. Currently the Free SSL tool is not applicable for WordPress MultiSite setups.
To install the Free LetsEncrypt SSl on your WordPress site :
Step 1 : Login to your WPOven dashboard and Navigate to the 'Sites' Section. From there click on the site you wish to install the LetsEncrypt certificate on.
Step 2 : Navigate to the 'Tools' subsection and scroll down to the Free SSL Tool. Click on the 'Install Free SSL' button and that's it.
If you face any problems with the SSL installation or have any queries regarding this, please feel free to contact our support team and we will be happy to help you.