Site not working after SSL Install: ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS

If after installing the Free SSL from your WPOven dashboard or after adding your site to CloudFlare, your site starts giving the 'ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS ' error as seen below :

This error usually occurs if 2 SSL certificates are installed for one site, one from the WPOven dashboard on the server and one activated from the CloudFlare dashboard.

To resolve the issue we would recommend trying the following steps :

  1. Log in to your CloudFlare and select your site.  Select the "SSL / TLS " setting from the menu. 
  2. If the SSL setting here is selected as "Flexible" please change it to "Off" or "Full"  by simply selecting the radio button
  3. Then try and access the site again. In case you still face the issue, please feel free to contact our support team here
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