How to Fix HTTP 504 Gateway Timeout Error?

HTTP Error 504 gateway timeout
There is nothing more annoying than a blank screen with an error message instead of your website’s content. Today, we’ll take a look at the 504 Gateway Timeout Error, and also give some recommendations on how to fix it on your WordPress site. For most blogs and online stores, such errors can lead to a loss of revenue. The visitors immediately leave the resource with a bad experience, and cannot make purchases. So let’s dive in – …

How to Fix HTTP 402 “Payment Required” Error?

HTTP 402
You may not have heard of the HTTP 402 status code before. It is a bit different from other status codes and is not considered a standard response. As a result, most browsers do not utilize it. This status code, also known as “Payment Required” lets you know that payment is needed to access the content you want. Therefore, whenever you see an HTTP 402 status code, it generally means that there was a payment issue. …

How to Fix 401 Error “Unauthorized Access”? [7 Methods]

Error 401
How To Fix 401 Unauthorized Error? Now that you have obtained a solid understanding of the 401 unauthorized error and its background, let’s delve into the methods to resolve and fix this issue. Ensure the URL is correct Check Authentic credentials Clear your browser cache and cookies Flush Your DNS cache Disable WordPress Plugins Check out your website’s .htaccess file Check the WWW-Authenticate header 1. Ensure the URL is correct One of the most common mistakes that any users generally make is typing an incorrect URL in the browser’s address bar. …

How to Fix HTTP 494 Error in Windows And Mac?

494 Error
How to Fix 494 Error? Now let us check what you can do from your end to fix the 494 Error. For Windows Users: Reload or Refresh the Webpage Clear your Browser’s cache Restart your Computer or router Restore your Browser settings to default Update your Network Drivers For macOS Users: Refresh the webpage or Restart the Safari Browser Check for Safari updates Disable Extensions Reset Safari to its default settings How to Fix 494 Error on Windows PC? …


Many Google Chrome users when trying to open some sites may face the err_ssl_version_or_cipher_mismatch error. It usually relates to the outdated security code that is used on this site. In this article, we will tell you what the err_ssl_version_or_cipher_mismatch error is. Also, you will learn what are some of the reasons why it appears, and how to fix this error on your PC. In this article, we will cover everything about the error – How to fix ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH Error? …